
My Backup Drive is Like an Egg...

... Fried!

The night before I returned to France, I copied all my personal files and work backups to my backup drive. As I shut down the computer, I unplugged the drive, which made a wheezing sound. Well, that's never happened before! I turned the computer back on and plugged in the drive. Nothing. I hooked the drive up to my other computer. Nada.

I spent the rest of the night trying to fix the drive, when I probably should have been transferring my personal files to my work computer, which is here with me in France, because here I am with a bunch of photos I wanted to upload to my photo albums ... all on a useless drive! I guess they will have to wait until I get home. In the meantime, I hope to take more in the next few weeks while I am moving out of my apartment.

I had my first negative experience in a Metz place of business! At Namur, a tea house in centre ville, it took forever for a server to come by, and when she finally did, she acted as though taking an order was far too difficult a chore for her. Since it was late afternoon, the selections were a bit limited. She waved toward the display counter, said what was there was what was left to eat, and then took off, passing by several times, ignoring us ... we left. It's a pastry shop, and Metz suffers no dearth of pastry shops with quality fare. The staff at every other one I've been to here has been at the very least cordial, and more likely than not, warm and welcoming. Ah well, can't win 'em all!


  1. Well, I always get angry when I see people acting like you describe. And we can find that everywhère, in Metz but also in Nancy from whère I am or in Paris or... Sometimes, I wonder if thoses persons REALLY want to work. Thanks God, there are a lot of shops everywhere !...

  2. Luckily, she was the exception, rather than the rule. I have become accustomed to being greeted when I walk into a store, and having people say good-bye when I walk out. I have to admit, Isabelle, that actually does not happen as much in the US!

  3. (the pleasantries are not as common ... sorry!)
